Springside Prison Roleplay - The one and only prison rolepla

Springside Prison Roleplay - The one and only prison rolepla

Postby xClaush » 07/04/2014, 17:09


Forums : http://forum.springsiderp.com/
Server IP :


Springside Prison Roleplay is a roleplay server.
We are a [glow=red,2,300]heavy[/glow] roleplay server, which means you have to roleplay detailed in our server.
So far we have got an dedicated staff team, each one of them is experienced in their position.
Every staff member wants the best for the players in the server and wont be using any of the commands for self usage.


These days you see a lot of easy roleplay servers.
We got heavy roleplay standards and we want everyone to roleplay on their best.
Our server is based on the factions and our forums.
This means that you will get the most roleplay chances if you are active on the forums.
On the forums you can find the current on going factions, also you will meet a lot dedicated members.
Our server works a lot via roleplay and not script wise.
for example; illegal activities have to be roleplayed completely.
This means that you can not get drugs or knifes via an checkpoint but via other roleplayers.
By this we will generate more roleplay and the community will steer the economy.


Springside Prison Roleplay is an new and upcoming server with a lot of opportunities.
We are an stable server with an proper dedicated staff team.
Yet we got multiple dedicated members into our community, but we want to grow bigger.


We got official and unofficial factions, the official status has to be earned.
An illegal faction can also earn official status.
Earning this will give you more opportunities for your faction.
You will get an faction chat, the opportunity to get guns via an warehouse and a lot more.

Official Factions
Derpartment of Corrections.

Unofficial Factions
You can start your own faction by making an forum thread with information about it.
An faction can be anything that is related to real life.
Meaning by this you can make an simple hood crew, an blood/crip set, an mafia or any other kind of group.
If your faction thread has an lack of effort we will lock and archive it.
You can roleplay without an faction thread, but it is highly recommended that you have one.
With an faction thread you can expand your faction and show people what you got to offer.
Becoming official takes a lot of time and effort.
You can also join an existing faction via in character reasons.
Posts: 1
Joined: 04/07/2013, 20:52

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