[PR-RP] Project Reality Roleplay!

[PR-RP] Project Reality Roleplay!

Postby IrishBloke » 12/04/2020, 0:14


LAUNCHING @ 4.30PM-GMT+3 2/04/2020

UCP Registration || Awesome Script Features || Factions System

> Server Address: server.project-rp.net:7777
> Forum Link: http://www.project-rp.net
> Discord: https://discord.gg/8ZhDRAF

Who are we?

This era of Project Reality Roleplay has been designed to provide only the safest and most enjoyable platform for pure lovers of roleplay! This amazing community has transgressed through the years and changed hands from many great community owners... and many who have tried to tarnish the name. Now has come the era in 2020 for a new PRRP, a PLAYER FOCUSED community that disables any opportunity for PLAY2WIN or any OOC upper hand.

What's the Script like?

We have a dedicated team of developers constantly listening to you.. the player. We make weekly (sometimes more frequent) updates to our script, forums and discord as we're constantly expanding the community. For any old players, we now have added UCP Character dashboards, advanced drug systems, custom businesses, unique Fire Systems to engage LSFD Roleplay, National Lottery service and Police Dogs! These aren't even scratching the surface! :o

We want YOU!

Here at project reality we want nothing more than for you to enjoy yourself! Bring your friends, get in game and on discord.. Get involved with the community! We hold a high standard for heavy roleplay and wish to maintain that. We're constantly seeking to improve ourselves and are always looking for people to give us feedback without having fear of a negative response.

Help us grow! Be apart of something amazing!

We look forward to seeing you in game! For now check out our WEBSITE or hop on our DISCORD and check things out!

Thanks for Reading!

- PR-RP Management
Posts: 1
Joined: 11/04/2020, 20:24

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