Server Name: | {uZa}Bots | ||
Game: | Call of Duty 2 | ||
State: | Online | ||
Players: | 15/32 | ||
Address: | | ||
Location: |
Game Mode: | tdm | ||
Map Name: | mp_leningrad | ||
Last updated: |
_Admin: | {uZa}Innocent |
_Email: | uZaServers@uZaClan.com |
_Location: | Kansas City, Missouri, USA |
_Maps: | Custom |
_Mod: | eXtreme+ |
_ModUpdate: | BETA4 |
_ModVer: | v3.0 |
_Owner: | {uZa} Clan |
_Ventrilo: | YES |
_Website: | www.uZaClan.com |
clients: | 15 |
fs_game: | uZaBotse30a4 |
g_antilag: | 0 |
g_gametype: | tdm |
gamename: | Call of Duty 2 |
mapname: | mp_leningrad |
mod: | 1 |
protocol: | 118 |
pswrd: | 0 |
shortversion: | 1.3 |
sv_allowAnonymous: | 0 |
sv_floodProtect: | 1 |
sv_hostname: | {uZa}Bots |
sv_maxPing: | 350 |
sv_maxRate: | 25000 |
sv_maxclients: | 32 |
sv_minPing: | 0 |
sv_privateClients: | 0 |
sv_punkbuster: | 0 |
sv_pure: | 1 |
sv_voice: | 0 |
Players | Score |
bot18 | 4 |
bot15 | 2 |
bot20 | 2 |
bot25 | 2 |
bot28 | 2 |
bot16 | 1 |
bot26 | 1 |
bot17 | 0 |
bot19 | 0 |
bot21 | 0 |
bot22 | 0 |
bot23 | 0 |
bot24 | 0 |
bot27 | 0 |
bot29 | 0 |