
Server information



Server Name: 104th Wolfpack Training Server
Game: Arma 3
State: Passworded
Players: 0/64
Address: join
 United States
Map Name: Malden
Last updated:


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: t Like The Simulations - The Great War - TFAR beta compatibilityg ·u «s/Just Like The Simulations - The Great War 2.4.0ËM• i
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: unctions–ëR•Ð)@G.O.S DariyahÊ\Znˆ-á,v@Mull of Kintyre‘À¢MƒhNal Hutta - v1.4[WIP]Dwzy·t§\Z@Real Lighting and Weatherý‰
: bùD¨jˆRHS: TerracoreþK e¡JTembelan Island
dedicated: d
game_descr: 104thTrainingMapV13
game_dir: Arma3
hostname: 104th Wolfpack Training Server
map: Malden
max_players: 64
num_bots: 0
num_players: 0
os: w
password: 1
protocol: 17
secure: 0
steamappid: 0
version: 50

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