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samp United States Roleplay [2x XP] | 0/300 San Andreas


Server information



Server Name: Mels 247 Halloween and Zombies PvE - No KOS/Decay/Upkeep
Game: Rust
State: Online
Players: 0/244
Address: join
 United States
Map Name: Procedural Map
Last updated:


build: 98779
dedicated: d
description_00: Mels 247 Halloween and Zombies PvE - No KOS/Decay/Upkeep\\n\\nFeb 10th 2024\\n\\nContact the Admins in G
description_01: ame via Chat by typing /report and typing a message!\\n\\nPlease Click the View Webpage button below a
description_02: nd Visit the Server Store at ( if anything is needed and Read the Serve
description_03: r Rules or Contact the Admins on our Server Discord Channel at\\n\\nNoob
description_04: Friendly : Player vs Enviroment (PvE) : Vanilla, Proceedural Maps : No Blueprint Wipes and No Map W
description_05: ipes Unless forced by Game Dev Updates Only\\n\\nNo Kill On Sight, No Racism, No Sexual Harassment and
description_06: No Raiding or Looting of Sleepers!!! It is Simply NOT TOLERATED HERE!\\n\\nThis is a server for learn
description_07: ing and for newbies or noobs to the game to learn in peace and will be given items if they request o
description_08: r need it (Donot come in and ask for an AK or M249 its not gonna happen) to help their learning proc
description_09: ess (Electrical / Farming etc..) or if you want to just play on a friendly server with active admins
description_10: .\\n\\nNo Raiding of Admin Marked Bases or other Players Bases unless abandoned or Bases Marked with R
description_11: aid Me on it!\\n\\nNo building of Missle Silos/Bear Traps/Landmines near or around Monuments and Stree
description_12: ts!!! Try to Build / Practice them in artic areas or away from flight paths and Player Areas!\\n\\nAny
description_13: one with usernames or using foul language will be be Kicked or Banned!\\nChange it before coming in P
description_14: lease!\\n\\nWE DONOT DO PURGES ON THIS SERVER NEAR WIPE TIME FYI!\\n\\nBut at the least, come in and hav
description_15: e fun learning the game in peace!\\nIt is why the Server was created in the first place!! Have Fun an
ent_cnt: 148226
fps: 29
fps_avg: 28.30
game_descr: Rust
game_dir: rust
gc_cl: 171
gc_mb: 2938
gmn: vanilla
gmt: Vanilla
hash: 8725a648
hostname: Mels 247 Halloween and Zombies PvE - No KOS/Decay/Upkeep
map: Procedural Map
max_players: 244
num_bots: 0
num_players: 0
os: w
password: 0
protocol: 17
pve: False
ram_sys: 0
secure: 1
status: stok
steamappid: 0
uptime: 39673
version: 50
world.seed: 48
world.size: 4500

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